Meadow garden in the Kent Downs

This private garden in the Kent Downs AONB lies over chalk geology. Nearby there are many incredible sites of botanical importance, where wildflower meadow and ancient woodland habitats are protected.

While surveying the site on my very first visit I discovered a large colony of Helleborus viridis subsp. occidentalis, the European green hellebore, which is a rare woodland plant in the UK.

The hazel coppice where the hellebores were found is thriving, and together with the florally diverse wildflower meadows that surround the house, is key to the identity of the garden. Management of these meadow gardens is carefully planned using cutting regimes and short sheep grazing periods, as well as seed harvesting and raising plug plants to increase quantities of certain plant species.

This project is ongoing, with many new structural plantings, border renovations, vegetable gardening, fruit and climate change-tolerant tree plantings.

JH ~June 2022


Installation on the Piazza Vecchia, Bergamo


Pot garden in Notting Hill